22 Ocak 2014 Çarşamba

Tsunami en Banda Aceh, Indonesia

en el año 2006 creo sucedió ésto. \n \nHigh quality video of the tsunami of 12-26-2004 and before and after sattelite photos of the banda aceh coast. \n \nDuring the morning of December 26, 2004, following a 9.1 earthquake off the west coast of Sumatra, part of the Indian Ocean tsunami came ashore here, leaving. \n \nTsunami Banda Aceh video clips. \n \nChris Roberts reports live from Banda Aceh, Sumatra, Indonesia on the aftermath of the Asian Tsunami disaster of December 26th 2004. 9 Days later and Aid age. \n \nwow..! \n \nMore than 100.000 (one hundred thousand) lives gone, swept away by this greatest tsunami in history of mankind. \n \nBefore and after images of the coast of banda aceh. \n \nAsthagfirulah aladzim,,. joni39wwalker@ymail.com. \n \nThe day after Christmas, still early in the morning when people just started their holiday weekend, the greatest tsunami ever happened in the history claimed. \n \nShot by a wedding photographer perched on a rooftop in Banda Aceh, Indonesia, the tape shows a torrent of dark brown water flowing fast and furious down the . \n \n04/11/2012 8.7 earthquake and 8.2 aftershock off the coast of Banda Aceh, Indonesia. . \n \nPada tanggal 26 Desember 2004, gempa berkekuatan 9,15 skala ritcher di lepas pantai provinsi Aceh, Indonesia, telah memicu terjadinya tsunami yang menewaskan. \n \nNO PARTS copyright was not intended WARNING: This movie is very intense and graphic, It may make you cry. Viewer Discretion is Advised. It is rated TV-MA SOM. \n \nThe Strongest Force of Nature is the Strength of the Human Spirit. Concert for Tsunami Aid, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, March 18, 2005. \n \nFor more information on this video, go to This was a personal video filmed in Banda Aceh, Aceh province, Indonesia in the immediate. \n \nThis classic film was made at the time just after a huge gas field was discovered in Sumatra near Banda Aceh, the place destroyed by the tsunami. the story w. \n \n04/11/2012 A number of countries surrounding the Indian Ocean issue tsunami warnings after an 8.7 magnitude earthquake strikes off Indonesia. . \n \nPhotojournalist Abbie Trayler-Smith was in Indonesia in the weeks after the 2004 tsunami. She recently returned to the city of Banda Aceh, to discover how UK. \n \nPaulFDavis.com tsunami survivors at tsunami epicenter Banda Aceh, Indonesia. Invite Paul (RevivingNations@yahoo.com) to speak in your city. Support Dream-Mak. \n \nAsian Tsunami Banda Aceh, Indonesia 2004 Harry Miller Spectrum TV Perth Camera Operator Video Show Reel. \n \n